Florida's Premiere Entertainment Agency
Jesse Hamilton is a rising star that has captivated audiences all over the world! When blending together his Club Headlining in Europe, with his Traditional Theater and Television credits in the United States, it’s easy to see how Jesse holds an audience right in the palm of his hand! He brings a seasoned, yet fresh, youthful energy to the stage with each and every performance! His vocal style ranges from R&B to Rock, Jazz to Gospel and of course never forgetting the Classic Standards. Jesse is able to ‘Rock’ with the young, ‘Croon’ with the old, and ‘Twist and Shout’ with the baby boomers! Knowing and performing for the ever changing demographics at sea, Jesse is continually upgrading his show and expanding his repertoire of music, patter and dance! So as Jesse says…Come Croon With Me!

45-90 Min Stage Show
Tracks or Band Available