Florida's Premiere Entertainment Agency
Jeff Laub is a professional comedian, writer, producer and creative consultant. Jeff has opened for Lou Rawls, Hal Linden, Lucy Arnez, John Davidson, and other stars of stage and screen. Jeff Laub is a funny guy. Some people are tall. Some people are brilliant. Some people are beautiful. And some people are naturally funny. It's what you are. It's what you do. Lebron dunks, Martha cooks and Jeff Laub makes people laugh. He's always been funny. He was funny in P.S. 99, Midwood High School and especially in Brooklyn College, where he once starred in Country Fair as a character based on his comedic idol, Don Rickles. But funny isn’t always funny. After spending too much time cracking up his Pi Lam fraternity brothers, Jeff bombed on his calculus and chemistry finals, abruptly putting an end to his mother’s dream of her “tatala’s” future dental career. So Jeff switched his major to Television Production and there was no looking back.

30-60 Min Stage Show